He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens
Bold New, Ancient Ideas
API is a coalition of academics, analysts and former military leaders and logistics specialists that provide in depth research, analysis. We provide deep, actionable insights and bold new, ancient recommendations to permanently securing the Israel’s borders and bringing true peace to the region. Our vision it to align with the reshaping the Geopolitical landscape of the Middle East according to the ancient prophetic scriptures of the bible.
Advancing Policy by Engaging Leaders with the Ancient Paths
What sets API apart from other DC Think Tanks is that the organizations policy recommendations are formulated from the ultimate authority, the author of the the Ancient Paths. The Mighty One of Jacob.
Not Just words, Action.
As it is written, so shall it be. We step beyond the words and into action. We step from behind the desks into the field, with real on the ground research and exploration. Implementation of practical plans and how to carry out the actionable insights into real world, on the ground implementation, with every detail. From Security to Logistics to long term sustaining of .
The Blueprint was written
The Nations were called
The people are ready
Israel will be secure